Top 10 Most Expensive Cigars In The World

Top 10 Most Expensive Cigars In The World

Top 10 Most Expensive Cigars In The World
September 15, 2024

Among the myriad of methods for crafting cigars is the classic approach of wrapping matured, dried nicotine leaf into a cylindrical shape. Cigars can be created from different nicotine plants worldwide, each presenting its distinct taste profile and emerging in various shapes and forms.

Throughout history, smoking cigars has been intertwined with social and cultural norms, often linked with affluence and refinement. However, it’s important to note that smoking cigars carries health risks, including an elevated risk of lung and esophageal cancers, so they should either be consumed cautiously or avoided altogether.

The Rich History of Cigars

Cigars boast a rich and extensive history that spans centuries. The indigenous peoples of America first embraced the practice of smoking tobacco, a tradition initially rooted in the Maya civilization and Aztecs of Latin America. The exploration of the New World by Christopher Columbus in 1492 introduced nicotine and cigars to Europe.

By the 16th century, Spain had pioneered the art of crafting tobacco cigars. Upon their return from the New World, Spaniards began cultivating tobacco in their Caribbean territories. Initially wrapped in dry corn leaf, creating what resembled a cigar, the tobacco industry gradually shifted to using paper wraps, giving rise to the modern concept of cigars.

During the late 18th and 19th centuries, the popularity of cigars soared across Europe. Distinguished brands such as Partagas, Romeo y Julieta, and Cohiba emerged during this era. Cigar rooms and lounges became commonplace in aristocratic residences and private clubs, where cigars symbolized prestige among the elite. The dawn of the 20th century witnessed the rise of cigar manufacturing in America, with Connecticut emerging as a key hub.

While cigars enjoyed immense popularity, particularly in the early to mid-20th century, the allure of cigarettes and the growing awareness of health risks associated with smoking led to a decline in cigar consumption. Nonetheless, cigars continue to epitomize status and elegance, with connoisseurs constantly seeking unique and luxurious blends, albeit with caution due to health concerns.

Varieties of Cigars

  • Parejos
  • Figurados
  • Cheroots
  • Flavoured cigars
  • Natural cigars
  • Connecticut cigars
  • Cuban cigars
  • Maduro cigars

Noteworthy Cigar Brands

  • Cohiba
  • Montecristo
  • Padron
  • Davidoff
  • Arturo Fuente
  • Camel
  • Gurkha

Impact on Health by Cigar Consumption

  • Smoking cigars heightens the risk of various cancers, notably esophageal, lung, oral, and malignant neoplasms, with even occasional smokers facing elevated risks with sustained smoking and heightened exposure to smoke.
  • Cigar smoking can lead to respiratory issues, particularly chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Additionally, tobacco exacerbates existing respiratory conditions like asthma, worsening their symptoms.
  • Pipe smoking raises risks of coronary artery disease, strokes, and other cardiac ailments. Cigars contain compounds that can harm the vascular system, increasing susceptibility to blood clots and other cardiovascular issues.
  • Gum disease caused by tobacco usage can result in tooth loss and other dental complications.
  • Tobacco consumption diminishes lung capacity, dulls the senses of taste and smell, and heightens vulnerability to illnesses, among other potential health repercussions.

Factors Behind the Expensive Nature of Cigars

  • High-quality tobacco serves as a key determinant of a cigar’s cost, as the creation of its distinct flavor and aroma demands meticulously cultivated and aged tobacco. This contributes significantly to the cost of each cigar due to the utilization of premium tobacco.
  • Luxury cigars are predominantly handcrafted using skilled rollers and traditional techniques. Crafting a premium cigar is a time-consuming process that requires refined expertise and patience, thus justifying their premium pricing.
  • Many cigars are either produced in limited quantities or exclusive to specific regions, enhancing their rarity and regional allure, potentially inflating their prices.
  • Stringent smoking taxes in various countries can substantially increase the overall cost of cigars.
  • Prestigious cigar brands with established records of excellence and scarcity may command higher prices due to their reputations.

Current Trends in Cigar Culture

Despite evolving health concerns and anti-smoking campaigns, individuals who relish the rituals and gratification of cigar smoking continue to find immense pleasure in it. While smokeless tobacco consumption has declined in several regions globally, it remains a cherished pastime in select regions.

Cigars often feature prominently during special events such as ceremonies, graduations, and other celebrations. Linked with sophistication and opulence, cigar smoking retains its allure as a symbol of prestige. Business professionals also find enjoyment in cigars, utilizing them as tools for networking and relationship-building.

Recent years have seen a steady growth in the cigar market, with producers introducing increasingly luxurious and high-end tobacco products. While cigar smoking may not be as prevalent as in the past, it remains a beloved hobby for millions worldwide, sustaining a thriving global industry in the process.

Ranking the Top 10 Most Expensive Cigars Worldwide

  • Gurkha Royal Courtesan Cigar – Valued at $1 Million
  • Mayan Sicar – Valued at $507,000
  • Gran Habano El Gigante – Valued at $185,000
  • Gurkha Black Dragon – Valued at $115,000 Per Box
  • Double Corona Regius Ltd – Valued at $54,000
  • Arthur Fuente Opus X – Valued at $30,000
  • Cohiba Behike – Valued at $18,000
  • Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve – Valued at $15,000
  • Fuente Don Arthur AnniverXario – Valued at $7,500
  • Arthur Fuente Opus X BBMF – Valued at $55

Explore More: Top 10 Most Expensive Cigarettes In The World

Gurkha Royal Courtesan Cigar - (Worth $1 Million) - Most Expensive Cigars In The World

The most expensive cigar in the world is the Gurkha Royal Courtesan, priced at a staggering $1 million each. These cigars are not just ordinary but truly special and are crafted by a small group of highly skilled artisans who even blindfold themselves during the rolling process to ensure perfection.

The artisans use Remy Martin’s Black Pearl Louis XIII, an expensive and rare liquor, for infusing the cigars. Additionally, they incorporate rare nicotine from the Himalayas and moisten it with freshwater from Fiji to enhance their uniqueness.

Each cigar is adorned with golden leaves and embellished with gemstones on the bands, totaling five karats, making them visually stunning and an exceptional smoke for aficionados.

Mayan Sicar - (Worth $507,000) - 2nd Most Expensive Cigars In The World

Mayan Sicars are among the priciest cigars available, with some dating back to a 600-year-old tobacco discovery in a Guatemalan cave related to the ancient Maya culture.

During an event in New York City, these ancient cigars were purchased for $507,000 by a tobacco expert and a cigar manufacturer, showcasing their historical significance and value.

Gran Habano El Gigante - (Worth $185,000) - 3rd Most Expensive Cigars In The World

The Gran Habano El Gigante, priced at $185,000, is a colossal showpiece cigar, measuring 19 feet in length and 3 feet in width, requiring a substantial amount of tobacco leaves to produce.

This massive cigar is stored in a 900-pound wooden box resembling a steam engine, serving as a permanent display for admirers to appreciate.

Gurkha Black Dragon - (Worth $115,000 Per Box) - 4rth Most Expensive Cigars In The World

Gurkha Black Dragon cigars are renowned for their top-tier quality and distinct flavor profile originating from high-quality tobacco leaves and a unique manufacturing process in Honduras.

Each 8.5-inch long, 52-ring gauge cigar is handcrafted and housed in collector’s cases made from camel bones, with each case holding 100 cigars at a premium cost of $1,150.

The accompanying Nepalese Black Dragon wine is a rare blend featuring aged tobaccos from Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and Cameroon, enhancing its complexity and aroma for an exquisite drinking experience.

Double Corona Regius Ltd - (Worth $54,000)

For $54,000, venture capitalist Callum Jones invested in the Double Corona cigars from Regius Cigars, receiving boxes of cigars and an exclusive tour of the Nicaraguan factory to witness firsthand the crafting process.

This special offer granted him the chance to potentially have his 1,000 handmade cigars become part of Regius Cigars’ official collection, showcasing their commitment to quality and craftsmanship.

These cigars boast a refreshing taste with the perfect nicotine balance, enriching the smoking experience for discerning enthusiasts.

Arthur Fuente Opus X - (Worth $30,000)

Known to be some of the best cigars globally, Arturo Fuente cigars come with a hefty price tag. Enthusiasts adore them for their exquisite taste and exceptional craftsmanship.

The renowned Fuente Fuente OpusX cigars are crafted at Chateau de la Fuente, nestled in the picturesque volcanic terrain of the Dominican Republic.

Initially underestimated for growing the specialized tobacco used in cigar wrappers, the Fuente family defied expectations by producing the OpusX, the first Dominican Blend featuring a remarkably fine wrapper that has achieved legendary status in the cigar industry.

Cohiba Behike - (Worth $18,000)

The introduction of Cuba’s Cohiba Behike BHK cigars in 2010 sparked great excitement among American cigar enthusiasts. Garnering the title of Best Tobacco of the Year in 2010 by Cigar Admirer, these cigars quickly became a popular choice due to their exceptional flavor profile.

The remarkable success of Cohiba Behike prompted numerous brands to emulate its style, resulting in a surge of similar cigar offerings. Each Cohiba Behike cigar measures 7.5 inches long with a 52-inch band size, utilizing a blend of distinct tobaccos cultivated in Cuba’s Pinar del Rio and Vuelta regions to offer a unique taste experience.

Crafted by the skilled tobacco roller Norma Fernandez Sastre, all 4,000 Cohiba Behike cigars are meticulously rolled to perfection, epitomizing quality and expertise.

Gurkha His Majesty's Reserve - (Worth $15,000)

Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve cigars stand out as some of the most expensive in the world due to their use of 18-year-aged tobaccos with rich cocoa undertones. Each cigar is infused with rare Louis XIII Cognac to enhance its aroma, resulting in a luxurious smoking experience.

Priced at $750 per cigar, a bundle of 20 Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve cigars commands an impressive total price of $15,000. Crafted with antique pipe tobacco and infused with high-end cognac, these cigars offer a unique blend of flavors and aromas.

Wrapped in well-aged Dominican leaves, the composition of the wrapper adds to the exclusivity of the cigar, making it a sought-after luxury indulgence.

Fuente Don Arthur AnniverXario - (Worth $7,500)

Renowned for their exceptional quality, Arturo Fuente cigars come in natural or sun-grown wrappers, priced at $7,500 for a pack of these flavorful cigars.

Encased in a humidor containing 96 cigars, a special edition released in 2001 featured 46 cigars with a unique metal coating, celebrating the brand’s 100th year in business. Aged for 7 years, these special cigars exemplify the brand’s commitment to excellence and craftsmanship.

Established unofficially in Tampa, Florida, in 1912, Arturo Fuente officially celebrated its centennial anniversary in 2012 near Bonao in the Dominican Republic.

Arthur Fuente Opus X BBMF - (Worth $55)

Considered among the most extravagant cigars available, Arturo Fuente’s Opus X BBMF cigars are highly sought after yet challenging to procure. Each cigar bears the engraving “BBMF” and measures 7 inches in length, typically retailing for over $55 but may be found at varying prices due to high demand and limited availability since their introduction in 1995.

As a result of the robust demand for Opus X BBMF cigars, their market value remains heightened, reflecting their exceptional quality and allure.

Bottom Line

Cigars, with their rich history and enduring appeal, continue to captivate aficionados despite health concerns and anti-smoking campaigns. The pleasure and ritual associated with enjoying a fine cigar make it a cherished pastime for many enthusiasts.

Offering a diverse array of sizes, shapes, aromas, and flavors, different cigar brands cater to a wide range of preferences and tastes.

Within this realm are popular premium cigar companies catering to individual preferences, such as Cuban names like Cohiba or Montecristo hailing from the Dominican Republic. Additionally, Swiss labels such as Davidoff and Arturo Fuente from Cuba add to the variety with their own unique qualities and appeal.

While pipe smoking does come with potential health risks, many enthusiasts manage to find enjoyment in it through careful and moderate indulgence. Cigars, on the other hand, continue to hold a special place as a favorite among premium products, offering users distinctive aromas, fragrances, and an overall experience unlike any other.


How long do cigars last?

Storing cigars in a Ziploc bag can keep them fresh for up to three months. It’s crucial to store them away from air humidity and extreme temperature changes as these factors can negatively impact their longevity.

How Much Nicotine Is Found in Cigars?

Cigars contain nicotine just like cigarettes do, with one comprehensive cigar containing about as much nicotine as a carton of cigarettes. This could potentially lead to nicotine addiction.

Do cigars lose aroma over time?

Cigars have a shelf-life, and with the nicotine maturation process taking around seven years, users may begin to notice a loss of the unique taste and quality that initially drew them in. Unfortunately, during this period, users won’t have another opportunity to enjoy a similar experience for almost seven years before it starts to diminish.

How long should one enjoy smoking a cigar?

On average, 5-inch Robusto cigars with 50 band gauges provide between 20-30 minutes of smoke time. A 50-band dual corona cigar measuring 7 1/2 inches long might offer over an hour of enjoyment.

Top 10 Most Expensive Cigars In The World

Data from 2023 and 2024, with forecasted data for 2025 and 2026, expanding further to 2027 and 2028.


* This information was taken from various sources around the world, including these countries:

Australia, Canada, USA, UK, UAE, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Indonesia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, US, United Kingdom, United States of America, Malaysia, U.S., South Africa, New Zealand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates.

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antarctica, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan.

Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi.

Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling Islands), Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Croatia (Hrvatska), Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic.

Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, Metropolitan, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories.

Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Heard and McDonald Islands, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy.

Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, North Korea, South Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg.

Macau, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar.

Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia, New Zealand (NZ), Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway.

Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Pitcairn, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe.

Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, Spain, Sri Lanka, St. Helena, St. Pierre and Miquelon, Sudan, Suriname, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria.

Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates (UAE), UK (United Kingdom), USA (United States of America, U.S.), US Minor Outlying Islands.

Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City State (Holy See), Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands (British), Virgin Islands (US), Wallis and Futuna Islands, Western Sahara, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Top 10 Most Expensive Cigars In The World
September 15, 2024